Work Permits

Process to obtain a Work Permit for youth ages 14-17 that are residents of Wilmington

If you are 14 to 17 years old, living in Wilmington, MA, and starting a new job, you'll need to obtain a work permit before you can start.  Each school district manages work permits a bit differently. For the town of Wilmington, it goes through the Wilmington High School counseling office. 


  1. Please download the Youth Employment Application here and follow instructions for completion.

  2. Once the Promise of Employment and all subsequent signatures have been obtained, bring the application to Sharon Elderd, Administrative Assistant in the Wilmington High School Counseling Office. 

To make an appointment with Mrs. Elderd, please call or email:


[email protected]

Those seeking a work permit must also bring proof of age (birth certificate, or passport, or physical driver’s license (learner’s permits are not acceptable). PLEASE NOTE that the student must be present to obtain the work permit, as their signature is required at the time of issuance.

For MA youth employment FAQ’s and translated permit application forms, please visit:

Additional resource for youth: MA AGO Guide for Working Teens