
Free, Anonymous 24×7 Help

Topic Phone Number Additional Information
Abuse 1-877-785-2020 Safelink Domestic Violence safety planning and shelter
Abuse/Neglect 800-792 - 5200 Hotline for reporting abuse and neglect
Addiction Recovery 1-888-319-2606 Helping finding the right Addiction Recovery Center
Addiction Treatment 1-888-287-0471 Call to talk About Addiction Treatment options
Crisis 1-800-540-5806 or 781-893-2003 Area crisis line, can complete safety assessments and plans with youth and their families in their office or at home, assist with determining and referring to appropriate services
Domestic Violence 1-800-899-4000 Many emergency shelters, court advocacy, free legal advice supervised visitation, housing stabilization, individual counseling, groups, and trauma treatment agencies exist. REACH can help identify what would be useful and refer. They also do crisis management.
Human Trafficking 888-373-7888 Get help for or report suspected trafficking
Rape 1-800-841-8371 Boston Area Rape Crisis
Running Away 1-888-290-7233 (or Text to 4 HELP) For youth on the run who run who need assistance with a place to stay or food
Substance Abuse 1-888-4AL-ANON Al-Anon/Alateen. Support groups for individuals struggling with a friends or family members addiction problems.
Suicide 877-870-4673 Call 24×7, Text 3 - 11 PM.
Suicide 1-800-SUICIDE National Suicide Hotline
Suicide 617-247-0220 Samaritans
Teen Dating Violence 1-866-331-9474 National Teen Dating Violence Hotline. 24hrs peer support, can access by phone text or online chat.