SEPAC Mission

The Wilmington Special Education Parent Advisory Council (Wilmington SEPAC) provides education and support to parents, school personnel and the broader community on special education issues and services. The Wilmington SEPAC's mission promotes a supportive, innovative and respectful educational environment that ensures 603 CMR 28 laws are being met, and in which children with special education needs have equal and appropriate access to opportunities and are encouraged to reach their full potential.

Upcoming Events

Parent Introduction to the new IEP with Allan Blume

Date: February 1st or 29th, 2024
Time: 6:30 - 8:00 PM
Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 886 5737 7331
Passcode: 987099

Full topic details are available in this downloadable pdf.

Wilmington Special Education Parent Advisory Council

Thursday, December 7, 2023 at 6:30 pm

Location: This meeting will be held via Zoom

Join Zoom Meeting:
• Meeting ID: 816 7961 9806
• Passcode: 496953


Download a PDF of the Agenda

Approval of Minutes: Approval of Minutes: September, November Meeting

Old Business

• N/A

New Business
Tiered Focused Monitoring Presentation (Gillian E. Lange-DESE)
• What is new in special education department (Maura Kilbride)
• What is new in school committee-David Ragsdale
• Workshops and events for 2023 – 2024: What do we want to explore?
     o Support Group Update
     o Preparing for College
     o Dyslexia Workshop
     o Reading the new IEP
     o Collaboration with other district SEPAC’s/Access additional training
• Topics for next meeting and meeting date (TBDmeeting dates: December:7th or 21st)

This agenda has been prepared in advance and represents a listing of topics that the chair reasonably anticipates will be discussed at the meeting. However, the agenda does not necessarily include all matters which may be taken up at this meeting. 

Transition Corner

Is your child 14 or older and on an IEP? All students on an IEP are entitled to a transition plan starting in the year they turn 14. Their plan should be driven by their vision of adult life. It should be student centered, based on preferences, interests, and appropriate transition assessments.

Helpful Transition Resources:

1. Contact the Federation to join their Transition listserv

2. National secondary transition technical assistance center has useful information about transition assessment tools

3. Offers a useful handbook of transition

4. College options for people with intellectual disabilities

5. National Center on Secondary Education and Transition: Creating opportunities for youth with disabilities to achieve successful futures

6. Providing online information, support, and professional development on topics related to the transition from school to adult life for youth with disabilities

7. Where teens prepare for life after high school

MGL c. 69.1! “It is hereby declared to be a paramount goal of the Commonwealth to provide a public education system of sufficient quality to extend to all children…including a school age child with a disability…the opportunity to reach their full potential and to lead lives as participants in the political and social life of the Commonwealth and as contributors to its economy.”

SEPAC Know Your Rights

Know Your Rights as a Parent/Guardian Under 603 CMR 28.00 & Federal 504:

YOU are an EQUAL member of the Team. Be confident in your abilities and your rights.

YOU have the right to request special education services for your child.

YOU have the right to an independent evaluation.

YOU have the right to EQUAL participation in the developing and writing of your child’s IEP.

YOU have the right to accept or reject a proposed IEP within thirty (30) school days.

YOU have the right to have your child educated with his/her peers in the “least restrictive environment.”

YOU have the right to request and receive all evaluation results at least two (2) days prior to a Team meeting.

YOU have the right to hire an advocate or attorney.

Contact Us!




Office of Student Support Services

Looking for Student Support Services Staff contact info? See the OSSS Staff Page for a directory.

OSSS has also prepared a Who's Who in the Office of Student Support Services video.