The Wilmington Public Schools is pleased to publish an updated version of its Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan (BPIP). After being updated by members of the district Behavioral Health Task Force, a draft of the new BPIP was published online for public comment from June 7, 2023- July 31, 2023. During this public comment period, seven (7) members of the community provided feedback. Much of the feedback was incorporated into the final version of the BPIP, which will be published on the district’s webpage and available in each school office as well as the district office (Roman House). There were some general comments and suggestions around:
- Discipline/consequences
- Communication/parental input
- Training staff and administrators
In addition to feedback received by the public, the school committee policy subcommittee reviewed and approved the bullying prevention policy and revisions were also reflected in the final BPIP. The Wilmington Public Schools Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan (BPIP) meets the requirements of M.G.L. c. 71, §370 and is modeled after the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s Model Plan. In addition, our District’s BPIP aligns with the changes to the discipline law effective in November 2022, “An Act Addressing Barriers to Mental Health,” which requires schools to implement alternative remedies for students, including school-wide models to re-engage students in the learning process through positive behavioral interventions and supports and trauma-sensitive learning models.
Si necesita el plan distrital de prevención e intervención contra el acoso escolar en español, envíe un correo electrónico a Colleen Billings.