Families and Community

Friday Flyers

Wilmington Public Schools created the electronic Friday Flyer Packet as a replacement for the flyer emails sent through School Messenger. District-wide and school-related event notices will be posted each Friday from the date of submission through the date of the event, or until the activity has passed. We hope that families will check the Friday Flyer Packet section under the Community tab on our website on a regular basis to keep informed about events happening around Wilmington Public Schools and the community. Schools will continue disseminating their internal information as usual.


Wilmington Public Schools will post flyers from non-profit organizations and for school-related events on the Wilmington Public Schools website once they have been approved by the Superintendent. Flyers will now be posted on Fridays each week, with a deadline of Wednesday of the week in which they will be posted.

If a school-related or non-profit organization wishes to post the flyer electronically, the flyer must be received in PDF or Word format via email, and include a brief message regarding the attached flyer to be sent to the affiliated community (parents/guardians, school, and/or student body).

If the sending non-profit organization is not school sponsored, the following disclaimer must be printed somewhere on the flyer:
NAME OF ORGANIZATION” is not affiliated with Wilmington Public Schools.


Community Flyers:

  • The flyer(s) must be sent via email to the Superintendents office at [email protected] preferably in either Word or PDF format, no later than Wednesday of the week it should be posted.
  • The email must contain the following:
    • The flyer in PDF or Word format
    • Name of the posting Organization
    • Desired date of posting
    • Deadline of activity (if applicable)
    • Contact information for the organization or organizer of the activity
  • The Superintendent's office will review and send along approval or denial of the flyer
  • If approved, the flyer will be posted the Friday of the request, unless otherwise indicated by desired date of posting or to post on a specific date or set of dates.