Recently, the Wilmington Public Schools' Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) results demonstrate a small number of our students have tried alcohol, marijuana and other drugs, and by the end of high school, many more students report substance use.
In order to help prevent students from starting the use of substances, or intervene with early use, WHS nursing and counseling staff will be providing an interview‐based screening for 10th grade students on the use of alcohol, marijuana, and other drugs. This screening utilizes the most commonly used substance use screening tool for adolescents in Massachusetts, the CRAFFT. Implementation of this population-based screening in Wilmington has been successful for many years.
A copy of the screening tool is available (on the right) for your review. Student screening sessions will be brief (5‐10 minutes), confidential and private. These one‐on‐one sessions will be completed simultaneously with other routine screenings by the school nurse and/or guidance counselor in 10th grade. Students who are not using substances will have their healthy choices reinforced by the screener. The screener will provide brief feedback to any student who reports using substances, or is at risk for future substance use. If needed, the student will be referred for further evaluation. Results of the screening will not be included in your student's school record, as this is a confidential screening.
Please share this information with your child. One way to prevent youth substance use is to talk with your child. Research shows that parents' influence is the #1 reason young people decide not to drink alcohol. For ideas on how to begin the conversation, please refer to information on the school district website under Student Support Services or visit . Together, schools and parents CAN make a difference for our youth.